Fitness to Enjoy

Wanna have a look?
Do you wonder how would be the process to become even more awesome? Have a sneak peek into Fitness to Enjoy

First contact
We have a first contact. You know, the classic friend of a friend that knows somebody that knows...
We talk and I get a light overview of your needs. If I feel it's a case I can help with, we move on to step 2.
We'll meet and talk deeply about your case, your needs and your likes. We'll make a realistic and efficient plan that suits you, so you are set for success. This meeting can be either online or at a café of your choice.

The start
Within 2 days after our meeting, you will receive everything you need to start. This will include your welcome pack, your first training programs and your first invoice.
Ready to rumble!
Evolution happens
We'll keep a constant communication. Either to talk about how good was your last lift, do some changes in your workouts or plan ahead for holidays or other important events.

Oh yeah!
After some time you'll reach your goals. You feel more awesome than ever and you have enjoyed the process so much that you haven´t noticed you were doing such a hard job. High 5!